Thursday, September 2, 2010

Assignment #2 - Aesthetics

1. In your own words, what is aesthetics?
     -Aesthetics is the relationship of cognition, perception and emotion. Anything one can touch, see, hear, taste, or smell can be an aesthetic. The best thing about the field of aesthetics is that it aesthetics can evoke an encompassing, overwhelming, breathtaking emotion stimulated by anything beautiful. 

2. What are the four domains of creativity?
     a) Fluency:
            Fluency is one domain of creativity. It means to have a steady flow of ideas
     b) Flexibility:
            This second domain of creativity is all about an unbiased idea. Flexibility is to be  flexible with you thoughts and ideas. By keeping an open mind, creativity has the change to infiltrate your ideas
     c) Originality: 
            Originality is the idea to ingenious with your ideas. To not replicate any previous ideas
     d) Elaboration:
            The last domain of creativity is elaboration. This is a continual process which suggest to continue embellishing your idea. Through this adding, you can improve it as well. 

3. Aesthetic Experiences...
     As I am thinking of a daily aesthetic experience, I am over come by my remembrance of my head cold. A virus in which causes my ever so normal throat to swell, itch, and inflame. And through this thinking phase I remember- I brought along a package of Halls Breezers. Now this Halls Breezer isn't the normal undesired cough drop, but yet, a throat soother. Mixed berry and cream to be exact. 
     I reach down to my bag all the mean while coughing and disturbing other library users. Once the container is in my sight I am overcome by the glowing image of the throat soother on the front of the packaging. And to my knowledge, the real life experience of this Breezer feels exactly like the sight of the glowing, God-sent medicine staring at me. 
     Pulling the gold encrusted paper in opposite directions, the Breezer twirls with elation to be let free of its  second packaging. And little does it know that its user is twirling with anticipation as well. First contact with my taste buds and my throat begins to ease and decompress. As I continue to sooth my throat, my thoughts are encompassed with childhood memories of the ever-so-desired cherry Dum Dum. 

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